Autonomic Nerve Wreath
The appearance of the Autonomic Nerve Wreath (ANW) gives clear indication of what status the cells of every organ in our body are in. As you can see in the photo above and Drawing 1 below, nerve fibers travel from the periphery of the body to bundle up in numerous spots called Plexus Points. Simultaneously, nerve fibers extend from the center outwards, also bundling themselves into these Plexus Points.
Our bodies communication systems are known to be immaculately organised, but did you know that it’s up-to-the minute functional status is literally right there to be seen in the eyes every day? Look into the eyes and you will see the bodies “Status of Now”. Did you know our bodies multiple communication systems was not only this well organized, but the bodies “Status of Now” is literally right in front of your eyes every single day?
isnt it fascinating that the comminication from each one of our cells gets reflected in our eyes.
These nerve fibers are the information highway from every cell in your body, to the main switch board (in our brain), which makes decisions about each one of those feedbacks, always aimed at one main outcome: YOUR HOMEOSTASIS, or you perfect balance and state of Being. Let’s in short call it Vitality. The vitality you experience is what’s optimally possible for the whole body, minus the cellular obstructions present that impede function.
Vitality = Power - Obstruction
The ANW appearance is a clear indication as to where obstructions are present within the body and those obstructions are the root cause of everything commonly called ‘disease’, truly a state of cellular dis-ease.
Obstructions are formed when cellular waste is not removed via our Lymphatic System. It piles up throughout the entire body, similar to a clog in your homes septic system. When cellular waste accumulates in and around the cell wall of our gastrointestinal tract (GI-tract), the entire GI-tract becomes lymphatically obstructed. The amazing ANW, behaves like the fairytail ”mirror, mirror, on the wall, show me the true state of it all”.
ANW Case Study
Let us look at the eye below, and learn from features there of note.
In contrast to Drawing 1 seen earlier, this nerve wreath in our case has a jagged edge, and that edge is lighter in color and raised, like a mountain range seen from a plane above. Jagged edges denote poor activity of the organ to which the edge is pointing. The plexus points are under stress and tension and lack tone: they have been over-stimulated.
Think of the eyes as a data visualisation dashboard where we can see where which cells are making emergency calls. In highly inflamed, acidic condition, where the nerves are very irritated, the ANW will appear white. These nerves will literally be on fire!. The person presenting with white ANW is classically restlessness and irritable, potentially even considered to have “boundless energy”, but really with detrimentle hyperactivity in nearly all organs.
Back into the case study above, look at the darker shaded area just outside the jagged raised edge, this is the emergency call of the organ residing near the area of the bowel wall experiencing this obstruction. Areas of congestion are highly acidic, causing cellular oxidation and genetic mutation.
Nerve Rings: denote irritation and cramping (mentally or environmentally) of the organ they travel through. Again, imagine the cells within these organs running the phone lines hot with emergency calls. Local toxicity, acidic conditions or seepage of toxic waste from an adjacent organ all warrant the cell needing to inform the main switch board of what is going on in their district.
Pain is a frequent manifestation of the acute stage of inflammation, whereas hardly any pain is felt if the condition is chronic.
Drugs, recreational or pharmeceutical are a frequent cause of irritation. All things we consume need to be eliminated, but if the drug cannot find a channel for elimination, it will settle in the organ it is able to. A nerve ring will develop and start at the organ the drug originally settled in.
What do YOUR eyes tell you?
Brown Eye
Blue Eye
- What color are your eyes?
- Do you have multi-colored eyes?
- Can you detect your ANW and what shape does it have?
- Do you see jagged edges or peaks in your ANW?
- Are there Nerve Rings in your iris?
Would you like to find out more?
- Would you like help in understanding what your body is saying to you?
- Would you like to take control over your own Status of Now
- Do you want to feel your vitality return the abundant way it felt when you were a child?
Our body is constantly communicating with us, in numerous ways, to get our attention. If we listen, understand, and take proper action in the NOW, we avoid much confusion, worry and pain in the future.
Feeling like you want to have a quick chat with us at 36ATP about how we can help you enable your wellness journey? - then click below and send us an email, we’d love to hear from you.
"Nothing has such power to broaden the mind as the ability to investigate systematically and truly all that comes under thy observation" - Marcus Aurelius Antonius.
Written by Silke Schubert,
Certified Detoxification Specialist and Iridologist